Riding - finally!!!
Had a great last 2 weeks, decided it was time to get out on the road and get some base miles in. Commuted to work for the whole time, rode 5 days and 115 miles 2 weeks ago and 6 days and 120 miles last week. Felt really good on "Bullet" (my bike's name) and have been able to ride @ a really good pace due to the winter training. The weather has been fairly decent, 40-50 degrees, occasional wind and 3 days of fairly significant rain. The wet weather did not dampen my spirit though. Played 3 consecutive games of soccer Friday night and didn't get to bed till 0300, so took Saturday off. Worked tonight but had been up all day doing the taxes, so I took a nap and then drove to work. Seems like you work harder and more often just to pay more taxes, just can't seem to get ahead.
Have been reading "The Metal Cowboy", by Joe Kurmanskie, and have been yearning to get out on the road. Great author, really funny, and entertaining. If you ever have thought about just hopping on your bike and riding into adventure, you should read this guy's books.
Work goes on, (and on and on and on), the pace only seems to get faster and busier. It's tough to stay caring and compassionate when you are being bitch slapped night after night. Sorry to get negative but it gets to you! Am looking so forward to getting on the bike and only having to worry about pushing the pedals over and over, a simpler existence, almost primal effort to get from place to place. Well I will sign off for now, stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel!!!
Have been reading "The Metal Cowboy", by Joe Kurmanskie, and have been yearning to get out on the road. Great author, really funny, and entertaining. If you ever have thought about just hopping on your bike and riding into adventure, you should read this guy's books.
Work goes on, (and on and on and on), the pace only seems to get faster and busier. It's tough to stay caring and compassionate when you are being bitch slapped night after night. Sorry to get negative but it gets to you! Am looking so forward to getting on the bike and only having to worry about pushing the pedals over and over, a simpler existence, almost primal effort to get from place to place. Well I will sign off for now, stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel!!!
I've gone 38.38 this year. Miles. Total.
You're my hero. Did you ever know it? That you're my hero?
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